Military Success and Building Programs

Military Success and Building Programs

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Despite his reputation for cruelty, Domitian’s reign was not without positive achievements. He was a competent military leader and spent much of his time on the frontiers of the empire, particularly in Germania and Britain. His military campaigns helped to solidify Roman control in these regions, and he even celebrated triumphs for his victories.

Domitian was also responsible for several major building projects in Rome, including the construction of the Temple of Jupiter on the Capitoline Hill, as well as the renovation of the Colosseum, which had suffered damage during the reign of his father, Vespasian. These projects were seen as efforts to enhance the prestige of Rome and to leave a lasting legacy.

Paranoia and Purges: The Dark Side of Domitian’s Rule

Where Domitian's reputation as a tyrant stems from is his growing paranoia, which led him to take drastic actions against those who were seen as political rivals or threats. His reign saw numerous purges of senators, officials, and members of the elite. Historians from the time, particularly Suetonius and Tacitus, painted Domitian’s reign as one of unrelenting cruelty, citing the executions of numerous senators and the creation of an atmosphere of fear within the imperial court.

Domitian’s relationship with the Senate was especially contentious. As the Senate became more critical of his growing autocracy, Domitian responded by systematically diminishing its power, forcing many senators into submission or exile. The Senate, in turn, was eager to portray him as a tyrant, and much of the historical narrative surrounding Domitian comes from these elite sources. shutdown123

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